Did you know that you can have ZERO digestive complaints, and still not have optimal digestive function? How can this be? Sometimes completely unrelated symptoms, such as fatigue for example, can be caused by an imbalance going on inside the gut/digestive system. Sometimes the symptoms are more obvious, like constipation, bloating, abdominal cramping or diarrhea.
You know the old phrase, “You are what you eat.” Well that’s kind of true, but actually “You are what you digest.” You can eat the healthiest food in the world, but if your digestive system is out of balance, your body isn’t going to absorb the same nutrients from that food as you would if your digestion was working properly. Signs that your digestive system is likely out of balance:





Reflux or Heartburn

Food sensitivities

Abdominal pain or cramping

And many more!
Over time, having imbalances in the digestive system can lead to other health conditions like food sensitivities, joint pain, chronic fatigue, leaky gut, autoimmunity, skin issues, acid reflux, depression, anxiety, hormonal imbalances, allergies, IBS and the list goes on… Our digestive system is like the roots of a tree; if the roots aren’t healthy, the rest of the tree will suffer too. We need to make sure our roots are strong and healthy so we can live our best life!
So, how can we figure out what’s going on inside to make sure our digestive system is functioning optimally? This requires some investigation work through a comprehensive stool test called the GI-MAP. This test will give us an exact picture of what’s happening in your gut right now. Are you digesting and absorbing your foods properly? Could you have a parasite? What about fungal/yeast overgrowth? Do you need more beneficial bacteria? The GI-MAP will give us the answers to all of these questions and more. Once we know what’s out of balance, we can work towards healing the gut and bringing the body back into balance. If you want to learn more about this test, I discuss it in greater detail here. Even though I practice in the Salem area, all of my work with clients can be done virtually, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you aren’t local. 🙂
Have Questions?
Do you have questions about your digestion or other symptoms you’re experiencing? Feel free to reach out to me and we’ll chat! If you don’t receive an email response from me in a few days, please check your SPAM or Junk folder, just in case it gets sent there automatically. 🙃 If you are ready to schedule your first session with me now, please click here. Looking forward to chatting with you soon!